๐Ÿ”— GitHub


  • Corporate Internet Banking: Worked on Automation Testing of Corporate Internet Banking website.

  • Selenium Web Automation Framework: Worked on development of Selenium Web Automation Framework for the Automation Testing of Corporate Internet Banking and other applications.

  • TestNG : Used TestNG as unit testing tool to manage the tests and used TestNG listeners

  • Extent Reports: Used Extent Reports to generate HTML reports after every execution.

  • Maven: Used Maven for dependency management and for remote execution of test suites using Surefire plugin.

  • Apache POI: Used Apache POI to read data from Excel Files as the framework was Data Driven.

  • Docker: Used Docker to make image of the testing software and keeping on docker private registry.

  • ElasticSearch and Kibana: A POC on live reporting using ElasticSearch and Kibana.