
  • Contributed in a Selenium Testing Framework of which the main libraries used were Selenium, TestNG, ExtentReports and GithubAction, this included support of multiple data inputs (JSON, xls, properties).

    • Used Github Actions to publish framework as private maven atrifact in github private artifactory.
    • Used Github Actions to consume the framework inside test repositories.
    • Used dependabot to update all the repositories when a new framework released
    • Used Github Actions to run the framework on push, pullrequest, and manual trigger

  • Through this, I learned to build framework that can handle multiple UI tests in parallel, wrote test for Admin Application as well as Marketing Website.

  • Did a POC on sending test execution logs to Report Portal by deploying its docker container on EC2 instance (Ubuntu).

  • Worked on API Testing using Rest-Assured initially, then eventually moved to Postman.

  • Did testing of features from Risk side before their release on production.